Sailor's Return – Seaham and Stockton type
Attributed to Walker & Co, Seaham Pottery
Although these plaques are unmarked, their larger size and buttery copper lustre are features associated with Seaham. Both these examples have hand-painted inscriptions. If you own the plaque on the right below, please get in touch, as I would love a better picture. See the Pirate page for another similar inscribed plaque.
The transfer on this very large frog mug, appears to come from the same copper plate as the plaques above.
Attributed to Thomas Ainsworth, Stockton Pottery
This unmarked mug, from the Sunderland Museum & Winter Gardens, Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums collection, is attributed in their catalogue to Seaham. However, I have attributed it to Stockton on the basis of the items below.
This bowl, again unmarked, has the 'snail-trail' lustre decoration typical of Thomas Ainsworth's items.