Trafalgar Victory
Attributed to Scott of Southwick, Sunderland
This mug is attributed to Scott on the basis of its frog. These frogs are usually completely brown, so it is highly unusual to find a spotted version.
Attributed to Cornfoot, Carr & Co, North Shields
It is possible that this is from the same transfer plate as mug above, which might call into question the Dawson attribution. However, I couldn't find any nicks or scratches that would conclusively link them. NB C, C & Co are known to have copied Dawson transfers, see here.
A jug from the National Maritime Museum Collection, Greenwich, London, with transfer. The 'Loss of Gold' transfer has an obliterated printed mark from the earlier North Shields partnership, Collingwood & Beall. However, these jugs are firmly attributable to the 1830s.