West View of Cast Iron Bridge... – Tyneside potteries (oval)
Attributed to Robert Maling, Ouseburn Bridge Pottery – 1820s
Wheat-ear decorated jug – 'the Iron Bridge at Sunderland'
A rare oval transfer unrecorded by Baker used on small- to medium-sized jugs.
A creamware eel pot with similar decoration around the transfer.
Attributed to Robert Maling, Ouseburn Bridge Pottery – 1830s
Green-fleck decorated jug – 'the Iron Bridge at Sunderland'
There is a small scratch to the right of the kiln chimney that shows this transfer is from the same copper plate as the wheat-ear jug above. But at some point the plate has been re-engraved. Note the rope cutting diagonally across the sail in the foreground.
Carr and Patton, North Shields
Green-fleck decorated jug – group 2
This jug, although decorated in a similar way to the Robert Maling-attributed items above, belongs to a standalone group of green-flecked items. The neat teardrop application of the green enamel is different to that found on the items above. It has a rare Tyne version of the oval bridge transfer, unrecorded in Baker. Read more about the attribution on this page.
The same transfer on a large mug, again paired with the Sailor's Farewell.